What a weekend ... birthday bash at Copper Bay thanks to Delores ... was great fun, with great food and new and old friends together.
Some of the hikers stayed at Copper Bay for the night; some stayed at Grey Bay ... and to our delight 5 more met us at the turn-off at the stated time 11:30
Because we were unsure of the trail start we decided to start at the Sheldons Bay side so we left 2 cars at Secret Cove and 2 more at Sheldons and off we went heading southward ...
[Next time suggest walking from south to north ... not as tired for the most difficult part]
Only 2 of us had hiked this before, in the opposite direction 10 years ago; so it was an adventure for all. The beaches were quite varied, small cobble, medium cobble and gigantic boulders! Sometimes we headed into the forest to miss some particularly rocky points ... walked awhile on a wonderful grassy roadway ... sometimes were in the forest's open edge, once on a seagrass meadow but ... mostly on the beach. Many of us picking up moonshells and other fanscinations.
With 9 hikers were we spread out by about half an hour ... which meant when the front group found a trail, the back half didn't necessarily know where the entrance was.
Which was not really a problem until the last and most difficult entry into the forest into Secret Cove ... a last group took 2 routes as some had found some pick ribbons while the other route was a daunting over and around the seaside of the rock bluff. All in about 4 hours in length.
Quite a hike - all feel quite accomplished and probably tired and certainly glad they walked off those birthday celebrations. We'll be back!
A couple of lessons learned ... everyone needs to have their own small pack with their own water and snacks .... because when separated from your partner, which happens, you are without! - not good. Walky-talkys would have been helpful as is flagging tape!
Good thing Dolores doesn't read blogs or she'd be mad at you for spelling her name wrong. It's a pet peeve of hers and she gets quite upset when her name is misspelled!