Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day Hike Tlell Beach

Sort of spontaneous, Plan B ... off to Tlell went 3 of the Hikers and Teva [gray skies but no rain and good clean air] ... we had talked of soup over an open fire, delicious smelling coffee and  chocolate treats ... all those things didn't happen but we had a great walk, across the dunes from the Park pullout and with the tide in-ish we walked almost to the Tlell river mouth , then back up the river where, with the dropping waters there was lots of room. Relatively calm, so no winds to combat, we came back with moon shells of all sizes a few rocks, no big agates but a photo of what we are not sure ... Teva enjoyed it though!
Home for soup and treats and games ... completing a New Year's tradition for some.
Driving home we did notice lots of folks out walking dogs, biking, and running too ... possibly New Year's resolutions!

Great day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - The Mystery Object is cartilage from a dogfish. I met several bits on the Misty Meadow beach yesterday. Dogs tend to like it - it's suitably odiferous!
