Heading out to Rennell Sound before the snow flies and we can't go .... the weatherman had suggested sunny weather but he was wrong ... light drizzle yet calm and mild. The road was in good condition, very little traffic and no logging trucks on Sunday.
Little wildlife was seen: 1 raccoon, 1 3-point buck, and 1 squirrel. The squirrel provoked the discussion around not many of them seen this year and what happened to the owls in Sandspit last winter?
No unusual debris on the beaches ... well polished driftwood and one large orange plastic float on Bonanza, and a shiny 2 inch agate! Thanks to whomever took took out the log across the trail; great to visit neighbours also enjoying the views and rolling swells landing on the beach at about a 3/4 tide. Bonanza Trail needs more visitors as the salal is closing in!
Gregory beach good as usual, this time there were lots of turban shells, which when found on the east coast rarely have their tops intact but at Gregory lots were fully shaped just missing the previous owner. We were told that CLR is great for cleaning up the shells! Another small plastic float and ruby red light bulb were all the flotsam that seemed interesting and of course more driftwood and rocks were moved around the islands to various yards.
It was a great trip to ensure no nature deficit disorder.