Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Grey Bay

Absolutely the most wonderful post Christmas picnic I have experienced. My highlight - driving the gravel road, no tracks to follow, and witnessing the new snow first hand. And of course munching gourmet food on the beach with great company!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Over the Hill Hikers to Gray Bay

December 27, 2010
Four of the Over the Hillers went venturing to Gray Bay on Moresby Island, Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands. On the 10 ferry to Aliford Bay, into and through Sandspit, down the Moresby Road to the Gray Bay turn-off and out to the beach. The forcast was for a sun/cloud type day but what we got was sun/cloud/snow! In fact one of the highlights was breaking trail with not a mark on the road ahead. The road was clear yet at the sides of the road was much evidence of the high winds which had taken down many of the trees. Thank yous to those who cleared the debris to the sides so vehicles could pass.

Arriving at Site #1 ... the sun was out, while all about was white; the tide was low, the sand glistening ... and down on the tide flats were many geese and two large Trumpter swans!
Quickly we got the fire going [brought dry kindling and fire wood with us] ... prepared the roasting sticks and opened up the other gourmet goodies ...

One went down the road to do some maintenance on the ALM Kayakers Geocache ... replaced for the third time ... and met a wee red squirrel who apparently had also been geocaching [he popped out of the hiding place].

After roasting hotdogs and nibbling on turkey the four headed down to walk the beach .... after an hour or so full of shell treasures [moon shells, clams, sand dollars, limpets, whelks ...] back to our site for dessert - pumpkin pie, chocolate cake, cookies and squares!

Just prior to dessert when we chanced to look up we noticed that the snow was falling quite heavily and while not lasting on the beach probably was building up on the road ... so instead of heading down to Secret Cove for a geocache and another beach walk we decided that perhaps heading for the 3:40 ferry was a more prudent idea.

Another great adventure of the Over the Hill Hikers.